Friday, September 01, 2006

Ninjas + Annotation

First off, let me post a New Annotation

Secondly, let's talk a little more about those screwy friends who built me the Scalzi award.  Worldcon was a lot of fun this year, partially because of the fact that I was able to go with so many good friends.  I don't have pictures of them all, but there were several valiiant men who DID get their pictures snapped, and I'd like to give them credit.

This is them--Isaac, Bryce, Dan, and Kimball--searching our ceiling for passing ninjas sent by Scalzi to steal our pop tarts.


And, of course, the action pose--with Kimball showing his ninja powers of disappearing by making himself half invisible.

By the way, if you didn't make it to the Nippon 2007 party on Friday night, you missed out on some very cool headbands. 


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