Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Annotation + Mistborn Three on Sale

One of my New Years resolutions is going to be getting the Annotations posted more regularly.  I have to give the nice folks on my forums something to talk about, after all.  In the light of that, here's a new one for you:  Mistborn Two: Chapter Fifty-Two

In other big news, Barnes and Noble has decided to put Mistborn Three on its after-holiday sale.  They're selling the book at a ridiculous 50% off.  If you are a Barnes and Noble member, the book is an extra 10% off, bringing the price down to $12.50.  (It's $14 if you don't have one of their club cards.)  If you've been waiting for the paperback...well, this is only about four bucks more than the paperback would be.  And BN.com now offers free shipping on orders of $25 or more.

This is an insanely low price.  It's cheaper than Amazon; it's even cheaper than I can get the books from the publisher.  I think that the same discount is being offered in-store as well.  If they don't have the book stickered, I think you can ask and they'll tell you, but my agent says it should be in all stores.  This will probably only last for a short time, though.  (I couldn't find an end date to the sale.)  So if you've been waiting, this is your chance to get the hardcover at a trade paperback price.

In AMOL news, you may have noticed a new progress bar on my website.  I'm doing a revision of the sections I wrote during October, November, and December, so that I can send them to Harriet.  I've had some requests from readers to talk a little bit more about what is going on with AMoL.  They want to know which characters I'm working on or which plot sections. 

Part of me would like to say more, but there are two things holding me back.  First off, I really don't want to give spoilers.  Even mentioning which characters I'm writing on could be too much of a spoiler for some readers, as it would imply who has larger sequences in the book and who might have a smaller part.  Some of you would like to hear this, but I have to err on the side of those who don't want to know.  That's how Robert Jordan did it himself; he was very secretive about the upcoming books, only giving out a tidbit here and there.

I don't even feel comfortable doing that much, as this book isn't my own.  I've given my word to Harriet that I won't reveal things about the final book, and I feel I need to be extra careful.  It's her decision what gets released and what doesn't, not mine.  (Just like it's her decision about whether to cut the book or not.  I thank those who have emailed me expressing their opinions, but know that I don't have a choice in the matter.  I've made my suggestions to Harriet, and I've pointed out to the Tor CEO that Robert Jordan wished the book to be one volume.  They will make the decision, not me.) 

And so you'll probably see me being very careful about what I say on the blog.  I'm afraid that in most cases, the progress bars are the best I can offer you.  Expect to see several lengthy revisions over the next few months, however.  I'll still be sneaking in some writing time to do new chapters here and there, but most of my efforts right now are focused on the revision process.  Once this new progress bar is finished, I'll probably launch directly into another revision, and probably a third one after that. 


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