Warbreaker Signings + David Eddings
Warbreaker Signings
Obligatory Warbreaker News:
First, you have lest than 24 hours to get a signed, personalized book from Sam Weller's. I will be going in tomorrow (Saturday) to sign these books so they can be sent off Monday and arrive close to the release date. So if you want one, you have to call them by 3:00 Mountain time and get one.
Secondly, I'll be doing a flurry of appearances locally for the release, though I won't be touring nationally until this November. In the future, we'll probably do two tours for me a year--one for WoT and one for my solo books (though, of course, I'll still sign my own books at WoT events and WoT books at my solo tour events.) This year, however, things are just so busy that I asked to do a longer tour in November and hold off on Warbreaker national signings until then.
Anyway, if you live locally and can't (or don't want) to go to the release party, here are a list of places you can find me.
Wednesday: Borders Provo 7:00-9:00
4801 N University Ave # 910
Provo, UT 84604
(801) 224-2720
Friday: Barnes and Noble in Jordan Landing 7:00-9:00
7157 Plaza Center Drive
West Jordan, UT 84084
Saturday: Barnes and Noble Sugarhouse 2:00-5:00
McIntyre Center
1104 East 2100 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84106
(801) 463-2610
You may want to give these signings a little extra consideration if you happen to live in the area. The release party is going to be awesome, but it will also be BUSY. There will be no time for a reading or discussion here. Likely, the WoT events will all be the same way--to the extreme. I'll try to do readings and Q&As at some, if we can manage, but with the number of people who will probably want their books signed...well, I can't promise anything.
So this short Warbreaker tour is likely your last chance in a long time to come talk to me in a more relaxed atmosphere, where I'll be able to answer questions and generally have conversations. I'll be doing readings at several of these other signings, and will probably read sections from THE WAY OF KINGS that I haven't ever read before. In short, if crowds bother you and getting a numbered copy doesn't matter to you, then you'll probably have a better time at these more intimate signings.
Release Party
Now, if you ARE going to go to the release party, I've got some goodies for you. We'll be bringing the cover painting. Not a print, but the actual painting. I bought it from the artist, and it's beautiful. So we'll have it on display. We will also have the mistborn poster on display. It will be your first chance to see it live. We might even give one of the proofs away as a prize. ;)
And speaking of prizes, there will be plenty of those. BYU bookstore will probably have gift certificates, and I'll be bringing along a dozen or so Mistborn medallions in pewter to give away. Probably via drawing.
If you're going to come early and try to get a low numbered copy (remember, the first one will be #2, as Scott has dibs on #1) then I officially declare that the line starts at the door nearest the science fiction section. That means the door on the WEST SIDE that FACES NORTH. BYU isn't very good at setting up which door is the "line" door, and last year there was confusion. So if there's a dispute, I'm going to give #2 to the first person in line who waited at THIS DOOR.
David Eddings
I got word (thanks Bryce) earlier this week that David Eddings had passed away.
I'm sure that a lot of you, like myself, read his books when you were younger. In fact, there was an era in middle school when David Eddings was my favorite author. He created some great books for us, and was for many people a gateway into fantasy. I still love his characters. I love what he did with humor; he had such a great team dynamic for his series and worlds. To this day, the first Sparhawk series is one of my favorite nostalgic reads.
I didn't keep up with Eddings' work as I grew older. More and more, I found myself gravitating toward the more complicated settings and stories of series like The Wheel of Time. But Eddings gave the entire genre a big leg up toward the future, and I have many a fond memory of spending a summer evening immersed in one of his excellent novels. So, if you get a chance this weekend, take a moment to raise a cup of your favorite beverage to David Eddings. Without him, fantasy wouldn't be what it is, many of us might not be the dedicated readers of the genre we are, and I might not have ever become an author in the first place.
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