Recent Tweets
Brandon's assistant Peter here. We're trying something new today. You may have noticed that for the past few months, Brandon has been blogging less and posting short updates to Twitter and Facebook more often. There are a number of people who don't follow either feed (though did you know that you can get Twitter updates via RSS?), and Brandon worries that his fans are missing news from him that you would enjoy. So he asked me to start putting up weekly tweet collections. I've finally worked out a script to automate this process, so I don't have to copy and paste each one.
As you can see below, Brandon often answers people's questions on Twitter. The post below is set up to show you both Brandon's answer and the question he's responding to. Future updates will cover approximately one week, but since this is the first update of this kind I'm pulling from a bit more than two weeks. Enjoy.
PrincessPeach44 Wed Sep 29
@BrandonSandrson is your wife on twitter? I'd like to follow her.
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
@PrincessPeach44 Well, she is...but she's never posted. She's one of those who signed up, made one tweet, and never continued.
EGHornbostel Wed Sep 29
@BrandonSandrson I thought you weren't supposed to be working? ;)
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
@EGHornbostel No, I never said I wouldn't work. I just said I wouldn't work anything I have a deadline on. :)
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
Random comic for today:
agdeeds Wed Sep 29
@BrandonSandrson Did anything help inspire Navani's character in tWoK, if you don't mind me asking?
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
@agdeeds Numerous things. Partially, the fact that there's a distinct lack of mothers in fantasy fiction. Everybody seems to be an orphan.
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
@agdeeds Partially, the need for a strong, well-rounded woman of an older, wiser nature to balance out Shallan's impulsive nature.
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
@agdeeds And, in part, she was designed because I wanted a Fabrial engineer among the cast, and extrapolated personality from there.
jaminben73 Wed Sep 29
@BrandonSandrson: Any idea when they'll put out chapters 1 and 2 of #ToM?
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
@jaminben73 I don't know, honestly. They told me that they were thinking of doing it, but didn't say when, or even if it was for sure.
johncwelchjr Wed Sep 29
@BrandonSandrson I can't view your website on my phone. :(
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
@johncwelchjr We keep thinking of doing a mobile version. A browser that doesn't do flash should get a list of links. Those don't show?
BrandonSandrson Thu Sep 30
@CMorgan Thanks! Hope you enjoy the rest. @Salkand The Outriggers were actually different from prequels. The other prequel was Lan/Moiraine
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
Blog post: Tower Guard program + Signed & Numbered TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
Super secret project is about 1/3 done. Am having a blast writing it. (Final will be around 100k, for those trying to guess what it is.)
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
Chapter one of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT has been posted. Tor: or Orbit:
Fungible Thu Sep 30
Page 558 of @BrandonSandrson's "The Way of Kings. GREAT book so far (still got half to go!). Only complaint - it's HEAVY! ;)
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
@Fungible The weight is for help in killing rats. The book does double duty! :)
TheMightyTweet Thu Sep 30
@BrandonSandrson Why didn't the Parshendi use fire arrows? The bridges are made of wood for Storm's sake!
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
@TheMightyTweet This is a pretty strong hardwoord we're talking about. Fire arrows worked against slow-moving siege equipment.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
@TheMightyTweet But something carried at this speed, then crossed quickly, made of hardwood--the fires wouldn't have time to get a hold.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
Curses. Agent just asked about Super Secret project. Note to self: It's not really very secret if I post about it on Twitter... :)
Dynisis Thu Sep 30
@BrandonSandrson sorry, i know you live in utah, and seeing that article sickened me. I hope i do not offend and u could link it along
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
@Dynisis I wasn't offended, and I didn't know about the issue, so thanks for passing that along. I will read up on it.
FelixPax Thu Sep 30
I heard many readers rave about @BrandonSandrson 's #TWOK book, however are Rich Adin comments accurate about errors?
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
@FelixPax We've always been plagued with typos in my books. It's partially my fault, as I tend to create artifacts by the way I revise.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
@FelixPax So I wouldn't be surprised. But Peter is pretty good at proofreading, and he had a crack at this book and TofM.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
Also, if you are really wondering, no I don't consider these secret projects to be truly 'secret.' I don't talk about them because...
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 01
...I am never sure if they'll be something I'll publish, or something I'll shelve. So far, of 5 or so I've done, only 1 ended up in print.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 02
First copies of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT arrived.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 02
Suddenly, Baby Meatloaf can crawl. I was not expecting this. "Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational baby!"
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 04
Super secret project at 40% done. Looking good, though kind of strange. Working title has "Pizza" in it. Feel free to speculate.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 05
Went to take a shower today. My bar of soap had a large number of 3-year-old-finger-sized gouges in it. Ah, parenthood.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 05
Blog post: Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship Winner + Updates.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 05
@annadala Lol. Hope it doesn't run on gemstones... @Pixelfish :) @goldeneyez07 I'll be your way in 2012, probably.
GrutzIII Thu Sep 30
@BrandonSandrson Will you still be doing the signed pre-orders for TOM? I ordered TGS last year and would like to get TOM as well.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 05
@GrutzIII Yes, I will be doing TOM pre-orders. Watch the website. Should be up for order soon.
HonorGod Thu Sep 30
@BrandonSandrson Has the bumper sticker showed up yet?
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 05
@HonorGod Which bumper sticker? I'm drawing a blank at the moment, though I'll probably know once you explain.
johncwelchjr Thu Sep 30
@BrandonSandrson i'm on android, maybe my mobile flash is confusing it? I briefly see the navigation but then it disappears
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 05
@johncwelchjr Huh. I'll look into it. I'm on android too, and I get navigation. I'll have my webmaster run some tests.
Llauron Fri Oct 01
@BrandonSandrson any tour stops in Nashville ?
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 05
@Llauron I'm sorry, no Nashville tour stops as of yet. I probably should visit sometime, though. Maybe next year.
dputanm Fri Oct 01
@BrandonSandrson Will Towers of Midnight be available as an ebook immediately or will ebook fans have to wait?
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 05
@dputanm I don't know when the TofM ebook will be out, I'm afraid. It might be right when the hardcover comes out, but no promises.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 06
Super secret project involves a necromancer hero. It is not the piece I read this year at...some con. (I can't remember.) But it is related
jimmy0056 Fri Oct 01
@BrandonSandrson I was just wondering are kelek and kalak the same person?
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 06
@jimmy0056 Sorry for the late reply. Yes, indeed they are. A vowel shift happened in the language between the two time periods.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
Secret project almost at 50%. For those guessing, yes it is urban fantasy. No vampires, with or without sparkles.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
Just sent my wife to an oldie but goodie that she'd never read. Ted's Caving story. She'll be at it for a while... :)
lilzenbca Thu Oct 07
@BrandonSandrson I personally hope that it's another story in the Mistborn world.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@lilzenbca I did write a few pages of a mistborn world short story. Probably will get finished before my break is done.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@Dreadlord617 Lol. I love hashtags that take up half a tweet. @MagickalMan It's more on the funny side than Dresden, but hopefully not silly
annadala Thu Oct 07
@BrandonSandrson BFF wanted me to ask you if you're saving the sparkly monsters for Tarmon Gai'don.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@annadala Lol. Yes, a portal stone world that leads to a land of sparkly vampires. Big factor in the Last Battle.
grumpymartian Thu Oct 07
@BrandonSandrson Crap. Now I'm going to have nightmares.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@grumpymartian This might help:
slide_o_mix Thu Oct 07
@BrandonSandrson how can you crank these stories out so fast and so well? Awesome talent.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@slide_o_mix I write first drafts quickly, but I spend a LONG time on revision. So it's not as fast as it seems. But thanks!
Flame_Soul Thu Oct 07
@BrandonSandrson Is it Mistborn 2.1?! PLEASE let it be Mistborn!
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@Flame_Soul Yes, more Mistborn will take much longer. This is a more free-form, fun and fast paced story. Less worldbuilding.
Volkai Thu Oct 07
@BrandonSandrson How does it compare to, say, Dresden Files?
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@Volkai More humor in mine, a little more oddity. Doubt it will be as good as Dresden, but it's very fun to write.
aazizorg Thu Oct 07
@PeterAhlstrom @BrandonSandrson are there going to be any special events, like readings and/or MTG, at the signings? Cinci, specifically?
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@aazizorg Most all of my signings include a reading and Q&A. Magic depends on how busy I am the next day and how I'm feeling.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@aazizorg Closer to the signing, I'll tweet to let people know whether to bring cards or not.
greywanderer Thu Oct 07
@BrandonSandrson Which play did you end up seeing in NYC?
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@greywanderer Wife wanted to see Marry Poppins, so I let her choose that one. Then I picked Blue Man group.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@saanjun You're actually kind of close there. @Dr_Mari Thanks for the kind words.
jemron_mcb Wed Oct 06
@BrandonSandrson Was it a mistake that a certain female Forsaken used "Dark One" instead of "Great Lord of the Dark" in her thoughts?
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
@jemron_mcb Yes. I tried very hard to catch those all, but if one slipped through, it was likely a mistake.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 07
My New York Comic Con schedule tomorrow and Saturday. A great lineup on the fantasy writers panel.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 08
Over 50% on the secret project, which I'm going to give the unofficial title "Death by Pizza!" No, that won't be the final title.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 08
"Such a well rounded title, a deep dish of excellence, saucy but not cheesy, a well-topped slice of creativity"--from @awfulagent (my agent)
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 08
On my way to the airport with Pemberly for #NYCC. Will be seeing Mary Poppins (her pick) and Blue Man Group (mine) while there.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 08
Also, first class seats. Yay for skymiles upgrades.
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 08
Newark airport. Hudson News outside security. 8 signed TGS paperbacks. (No codes or anything. Sorry.)
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 09
My editor and agent at our bestseller list celebration dinner. (At Peter Luger)
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 09
On my way to my signing at #nycc. I hear that there will be free paperbacks of tgs for those who come. Booth 2328. 3:00.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 09
Nycc highlight: Met C. Hastings (Dr. Mcninja). Bought his books. Only had a check, but I convinced him I'd be easy to find if it bounced...
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 09
Now at Mary Poppins, waiting for show to start. Interesting. I didn't know there were four Poppins books written.
BrandonSandrson Sun Oct 10
Poppins was fun. Not amazing, but fun. Now, the grand adventure: finding an LDS meetingplace on Manhattan.
BrandonSandrson Sun Oct 10
Okay, that wasn't much of an adventure. Google maps, you take all of the "getting lost" out of cities I don't know.
BrandonSandrson Sun Oct 10
Ladies & gentlemen, sunset over Manhattan from Long Island. W/Pemberly. (No flash)
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 11
Two weeks left to order signed & numbered TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT from Sam Weller's. Half of their copies are already reserved.!h
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 11
Blog post: Updates + Video of Fantasy Authors Panel.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 12
Hot pastrami sandwich and a pretzel in Central Park. Almost makes me wish I lived here.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 12
Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 13
Home. Kind of. Now for the drive from the airport to Utah valley. Fortunately, Tor sent a driver for us. :)
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 13
Finished Chapter 20 of "Death by Pizza!" this afternoon. Now at 58k of a (very rough) draft. Some people have been asking... (more)
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 13
why I won't use this title on the final book. I think it promises too silly a story. The book is fun & (hopefully) funny, but also serious.
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