Mistborn Adventure Game Release Event in Provo
The printed version of the Mistborn Adventure Game from Crafty Games has finally shipped, and everyone who preordered should have received their copy by now or should receive it very soon.
Gam Den in Provo is going to throw a release event on August 4th for the book, and I will be there signing copies. If you didn't already order the hardcover, this is your last chance to order one, because only the trade paperback will be available in gaming stores. PREORDERS REQUIRED! (Call Game Den.) See below for details.

Date: Saturday, August 4, 2012
Time: 7:00–9:00 p.m.
Place: Game Den
2255 N. University Parkway #43
Provo Utah 84604
Phone: 801-852-4123
Softcover: $34.99
Hardcover: $44.99
Preorder Deadline: July 21st (this Saturday!)
For everyone who preorders a hardcover from Game Den for this event, we will also throw in a Table of Allomantic Metals poster, normally $10 in our store:

Again, Game Den is basing how many copies of the Adventure Game they order for this event on how many of you call in with preorders, so it's very important to call Game Den to get your order in now if you want a copy! I hope to see many of you at the release.
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