Sunday, September 03, 2006

Reader Mail


Two pieces of email here I think I'll post replies to.  (Though I sent email replies as well.)  I thought you all might be curious to read some of these.

Email #1 

Swiffy writes, "Is there a significance to eleven spikes [in an Inquisitor's body], or was it just a convenient number?

My Answer:  Yes, there is a significance to the number.  Good catch!  You'll get more in future books.  I can't explain it now, however, because it's something of a spoiler!

I can say this.  Each of the three Mistborn books deals with one of the magic systems.  In book one, the focus was on Allomancy.  That same amount is there in book two, but we also add Sazed as a viewpoint character and begin talking about Feruchemy.  In book three, we add an Inquisitor as a viewpoint character, and begin talking about Hemalurgy--the magic that keeps the Inquisitors alive and gives them their powers.


Email #2: 

Jen writes: "After I finished reading Mistborn, I went around for days trying to tap into my allomantic powers. It was such a funny sensation--not my powers, but the fact that I thought I had them--that I would laugh out loud. This brought questions, and so I told everyone about the book."

My response:  Ha!  That's one of the most amusing things I think I've ever read.  Please, don't try jumping off any buildings and counting on Allomancy to save you. 

Tomorrow I'll post another annotation, and I've also got a doozy of a bad pun my wife used yesterday, so I'll post that too.  Be afraid!


Blogger Heidi said...

Ooh, I'm excited to find out about the other magics. Mistborn was an awesome book.

8:10 PM  

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