Thursday, November 02, 2006

Warbreaker 2.0

I've posted a revision of Part One of Warbreaker on my forums. 

You might want to have a look, particularly if you're interested in the process of writing.  While I've posted the new file, I've also posted one where I used the Microsoft Word Track Changes function to highlight each and every change I made between drafts.

I'll do this every time I release a draft, so you can see the evolution of a book. 

This draft is really just a consistency draft.  I haven't read through the book since I finished it, and so it really needs to be looked at again. 

It's interesting how a book evolves.  Though I have a rough draft done, I don't KNOW the book yet--not like I need to.  By the time I'm finished drafting a book, I've read it so many times that it's very familiar to me.  My editor can quote just a phrase, and I'll know where in the story he's reading. 

Getting to that point takes time.  I kind of imagine a book a little like a sculpture.  The rough draft knocks out the basic shape of the novel, but each time I read through it I'm chipping away at it, taking off some large chunks, just smoothing it out in other places.

The end, after eight or ten drafts, is a finished work.

And, for those of you with attention spans to short for reading a big long post like this, here's another wedding photo:

That's me punching CtlZed/Nethermore with Morag looking on in amusement.  I can't remember what Zed did.  Probably stole my penguin or something. 

He's always doing stuff like that.


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