Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Pemberly Moment + Warbreaker


So, my wife dreads it when I say "I'm posting that!"  I seem to be getting myself into lots of trouble.  But that's what we authors do.  We live on the edge.  Rebels and all that.  So, today she said:

"No!  No more quotes about buttocks!"  Which, of course, I had to post.

(I'm not supposed to give context to those, but it was in reference to a Monty Python skit, in case you were wondering.)

(Oh, and warning, that's classic python.  Which means it's funny as all get out, but terribly inappropriate.  Consider yourself warned....)

Anyway, I seem to be the man to complain about lately.  Superagent, after reading my post about how he drug me all over Washington DC and totally wore me out, claimed that I had totally miss-represented him.  In his opinion, I drug HIM all over Washington, forcing him to hop from bookstore to bookstore in rapid succession when he just wanted to take his leisurely time. 

However, this is MY blog, not that of Pemberly or Superagent, and so I'll just represent things how I want to!  So there!  Ha ha!  And, you can believe that I'm right and not them because I NEVER make things up, and everything I write is perfectly realistic and truthful. 

Like this Warbreaker Chapter:  Chapter Forty


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