Friday, February 23, 2007

Annotation + Germany

Another wonderful Pemberly Moment from my wife, taken completely out of context: 

"I'm glad you decided not to spit on me."  Hum.  That one makes me look kind of bad, doesn't it?  I promise it's not as bad as sounds. 

In book news, the Germans bought the Alcatraz series, which is cool.  It's our first foreign sale on those, and hopefully this will open the door to many more.  The funny thing is that the my German publisher hasn't even released ELANTRIS yet.  They bought the entire Mistborn trilogy last year, so with the Alcatraz series, they have EIGHT of my books contracted and haven't even published one of them yet.  But, I guess that isn't that odd, since in America I've only got two books out of the eight I've sold.  Germany is a couple years behind, but they got the books a couple years later than Tor did, since most foreign publishers tend to wait until the US edition is out, then translate from a published English copy.  That way, they know it's already been edited as much as it's going to be in English.

Mistborn Annotation: Chapter Twenty-Five part One


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