Friday, July 13, 2007

New EULOgy on its way

I'm working on a new EUOLogy, but I think I'll post it tomorrow or Monday.  I'm not quite pleased with it yet.  We'll see.

Pemberly visited the doctor today, and everything is fine with the baby--even though Em keeps complaining that she sleeps all the time.  (Still seems to get twice as much done as I do on a given day.)  But, that's good news.  It's funny how anxious we, as people, get about things like this.  It's almost like we believe that if we don't go to the doctor, we won't have to hear bad news, and won't ever get sick. 

Watch for a newsletter coming out next week.  If you haven't signed up to get them, then go put your email into the 'mailing list' form, or you'll miss out on important and exciting information!  (Or, well, probably not.  If you read the blog, you'll get it all here anyway.)


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