Tweets October 16–21
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 16
Congrats Josh and Mi'chelle of @17thshard. (They met because of my books!)
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
At bedtime tonight, we went from "Daddy, sing a song" to "Daddy, go away. Go get mommy to sing!" in record time.
DarkElms Sun Oct 17
@BrandonSandrson Read your long blog post about future project. How do you stay organized? Working notes? Title lists? All in your head?
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@DarkElms Some of everything you mentioned. Lots of notes all over the place, mostly to remind me of things in my head.
CeruleanScar Sun Oct 17
@BrandonSandrson Looking to get ToM on ebook when it launches. Any word on a date for that?
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@CeruleanScar Book is out November 2nd. Ebook...well, I have asked, but I don't know that I've gotten a straight answer.
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@CeruleanScar The WoT ebooks are a new thing. They didn't start appearing until last year. I don't know when the ebook of TofM will come.
techandtherest Sun Oct 17
Wow. Now that I am reading The Wheel of Time on @audible_com I can really see why @BrandonSandrson was chosen to finish the series.
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@techandtherest Thanks for the kind words. ;)
aviroberts Sun Oct 17
@BrandonSandrson having read the book, I'm guessing you were talking about the choice that gets Kaladin[spoiler removed]
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@aviroberts Something was offered to Kaladin. He took it in Kings Prime. In this book, he rejects it.
docmagik Sun Oct 17
@BrandonSandrson @PeterAhlstrom Is the Alcatraz series going to be four books or five? In book 3, Alcatraz says 5, but Amazon thinks 4.
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@docmagik Five, but we haven't sold the fifth book yet, only four. So it's four for now.
Southpaw2014 Sun Oct 17
@BrandonSandrson credit goes to Megan from facebook WoT page but is there any significance to Egwenes dream of Logain stepping over someone who looks exactly like Rand but the person had both hands and not just one? Mistake or is there a significance?
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@Southpaw2014 It is rare that something like that is included without it being significant.
jewishspawn Sun Oct 17
Best part if working in a bookstore: introduced an avid fantasy reader to Robert Jordan, @BrandonSandrson @neilhimself and Terry Pratchett
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@jewishspawn Thanks for that, by the way. You put me in some extremely good company.
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@nymoflife I'm having trouble figuring out what your tweet meant. Was there supposed to be a second half to it?
r3v0lt Mon Oct 18
Finished The Way of Kings by @BrandonSandrson today. Ridiculously good. I savored all 1,000 pages of it. Can't wait for the next one!
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
@r3v0lt Thank you very much for the kind words.
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
Looks like a I accidentally signed a reviewer copy of TofM with "Iron to blind." I guess if you stab out someone's eyes, it could work. :)
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
(The real quote is "Iron to bind.") This is what happens when I don't have a proofreader... I'm sure people on tour got some odd typos too.
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18 has put up desktop wallpapers of the Roshar map: and they've also added hoodies:
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
Why no Death By PIzza updates lately? 'Cause...I'm breaking to work on something else. That's right, secret project from the secret project!
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
Just one week left to order a signed & numbered copy of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT from Sam Weller's.!h
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 18
Blog post: TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Preorders, Tower Guard, Trailer.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 19
There's a new interview with me up at Grasping for the Wind, mostly about TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. #TofM
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 19
Audio of chapter two of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT is up on Follows directly from two scenes in the prologue. #TofM
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 19
Sam Weller's is now SOLD OUT of signed & numbered copies of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. Wow. That was earlier than expected.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 20
There's a new interview with me up at SciFiNow.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 20
Diversion side project is something I think I mentioned on my blog a few days back. It will make some of you very excited.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 20
Yes, the new secret project has Allomancers in it.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 21
Okay. Well, that's a *rather* strong reaction to the Mistborn short story news. Details will come. Yes, there's a bendalloy misting in it.
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 21
So the Mistborn 'short' story is 18k words (about 50 pages single spaced) so far, with much left to go. I'll start calling it a novella...
BrandonSandrson Thu Oct 21
Live near Ephraim Utah? I will be speaking at Snow in a half hour. Open to the public. Books for sale. At the Eccles. 12:30-1:30ish.
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