Tweets December 2–14
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
Yes, "mistborn" on reddit is me. I can't respond to everyone, but--like on twitter and Facebook--I should be able to reply once in a while.
joelcorriveau Thu Dec 02
@BrandonSandrson "A Making" got me choked up. As a 20-something, spinning my wheels, testing/resisting my destiny. #ToM has been hearty.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
@joelcorriveau Thank you.
17thshard Wed Dec 01
@PeterAhlstrom @BrandonSandrson Has the title of Scribbler been changed to "The Rithmatist"?
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
@17thshard Yes, it has.
KimFalconer Wed Dec 01
@specficdb @brandonsandrson I found him on Kindle. Which do I start with?
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
@KimFalconer Depends. Elantris and Warbreaker are stand-alones. Mistborn (aka The Final Empire) is first of a trilogy.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
@KimFalconer Elantris = more thoughtful. Warbreaker = more humor. Mistborn = more action/epic. But all three have some of everything.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
@KimFalconer And The Way of Kings is Mega Epic. Mistborn or Elantris is where I usually suggest starting.
Mnm_010 Wed Dec 01
@BrandonSandrson This is in no way any sort of rush, but will we ever see another book in the #Warbreaker world?
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
@Mnm_010 Yes, eventually. It's far away, though.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
Okay, the best transition in the history of webcomics is right here between this page and the next:
Nygmus Thu Dec 02
@BrandonSandrson Holy crap, Brandon Sanderson reads Dr. Mcninja?
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
@Nygmus My favorite comic. I went far out of my way at NYCC to go find the author and shake his hand, then buy a few books. :)
depricated Thu Dec 02
@BrandonSandrson maybe a silly question - new Mistborn : is it an earlier time in the Final Empire, or after the events of the first 3?
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
@depricated Several centuries later.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 02
There are only 12 of the Mistborn Holiday Bundles left.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
My father's company sent him a Nook for Christmas. Dad is out of town for a few weeks. (Glances both directions.) Yoink!
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
I've wanted to play with an ereader for a while now. Can't decide between Nook/Kindle/Sony. Maybe this will help me decide.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
People keep mentioning ipad. It's an option, but I really like the idea of eink and the really long battery life.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
I like the Kindle/Nook auto-store thingy. I prefer a keyboard, which is a plus for the Kindle. But I like B&N as a company more than Amazon.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
First book bought on my dad's Nook: Wee Free Men by Terry Prachett. Wife is reading it right now while I work.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
Holy ATIUM, Batman. Am looking through mail that came while I was in Idaho for the holiday. Somebody sent me a very nice box of Magic cards.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
There's no name saying who it was from, though. Which of you do I thank? Is this a Koloss Head Munching Day present?
awfulagent Fri Dec 03
@BrandonSandrson Joshua votes for iPad but if not that a color Nook or a or other gadget with a non-eInk screen
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
@awfulagent I thought Joshua liked eink. I know he upgraded to an ipad, but didn't he have both a kindle and a nook?
awfulagent Fri Dec 03
@BrandonSandrson Joshua had 2 Kindles break, Eddie had a Sony Reader break, & Joshua looks at eInk devices and thinks they all look so 2008.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03 is giving away 1 Elantris, 1 Warbreaker, and 1 Mistborn paperback box set. Entry deadline December 7th.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 03
Pat Rothfuss is auctioning for charity THE GATHERING STORM signed by me, Harriet, Team Jordan, Tom Doherty & many Tor folks
BrandonSandrson Sat Dec 04
ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE SHATTERED LENS is out. Also, Michael Whelan prints of THE WAY OF KINGS cover art are available.
BrandonSandrson Sat Dec 04
I'll be signing at Dragons & Fairy Tales in Eagle Mountain tomorrow. They'll have copies of Alcatraz 4.
BrandonSandrson Sat Dec 04
Running a little late for my Eagle Mountain signing. Hopefully Dan can keep people entertained.
BrandonSandrson Mon Dec 06 and Goodreads's fantasy book club are (separately) soliciting questions for me. Also, 30% off sale, signings & more
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 07
InkWing has a new store design, and they're taking preorders for a Happy Koloss Head Munching Day shirt.
BrandonSandrson Wed Dec 08
Back working on some various projects. Threw away everything I wrote yesterday. (Sigh.) It happens. Maybe second try will work.
stayawesome Wed Dec 08
Do I: a) Watch a long @BrandonSandrson interview, b) Work on my novel draft from #NaNoWriMo or c) Continue reading BLACK PRISM @BrentWeeks
BrandonSandrson Wed Dec 08
@stayawesome Watch 5 min of the interview to give you a kick start, work on your book, read Black Prism as a reward if you hit a word goal?
BrandonSandrson Wed Dec 08
Okay, off to work out and use my father's Nook to read Terry Prachett books while on the machine. Let us see if this works for me.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 09
Michael Whelan sent us The Way of Kings prints to sign. Man, these things are packaged tight. His assistant has great post-office-fu.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 09
Guys, the little sketches Michael did on the bottom of these things are AWESOME. Really. I'll get you a picture. Just a sec.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 09
One of the sketches on the bottom of the Kings prints. Limited edition of 12.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 09
For those asking, prints are on his website: I'm signing all 12 of the limited edition too. I think he has some left.
pfchristopher Thu Dec 09
@BrandonSandrson Do you know which of those is the one I get?
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 09
@pfchristopher Do you know your number? I could look. The one I showed was the one I'm getting.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 09
All of the limited edition prints are signed. Denver Paul, yours has a cool picture of a chull. (We asked which # was yours.)
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 10
Just so you know, this auction for charity (Mega-signed TGS copy) still has a few hours left on it:
Boethius32 Fri Dec 10
@BrandonSandrson Mr. Sanderson, I feel the decision to structure the WoT books the way you did, dividing by plotline instead of chronology significantly degraded the dramatical impact of the story. I also feel this was a slightly disrespectful to RJ's intention for the story. Will you consider restructuring the story in a chronological fashion which is more true to RJ's wishes once all the books are written? I mean, I don't have to remind a professional writer that a novel is more than just the sum of its scenes and chapters. The sequence is just as important. I feel this is where you've failed a bit with TGS and ToM. With all due respect, of course. And I don't want you to reply to me publicly on this. I know you can't second-guess this decision in public. However, I hope you will consider publishing "director's cut" editions of the three books where the scenes occur in a more chronological sequence.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 10
@Boethius32 The thing is, RJ didn't write chronologically himself. He was all over the place. It just wasn't obvious.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 10
@Boethius32 It's just obvious now because people are coming back together. If I did as you asked--which I have considered--there are only
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 10
@Boethius32 a couple things I'd change. I'd probably interweave Perrin differently. Everything else would be basically the same.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 10
Final holiday shipping deadline for signed books.
BrandonSandrson Sat Dec 11
Off to my signing at the Murray Borders! 2-4. Isaac will be there too.
BrandonSandrson Mon Dec 13
Need a good book for a Christmas gift? Here's a printable coupon for 40% off any one book at a Borders store tomorrow:
BrandonSandrson Mon Dec 13
Holiday gift from my agent, @awfulagent, w/a note saying he wished chocolate was allomantic.
stephencanbe Mon Dec 13
@BrandonSandrson -- Any hints on where I can pay for/get a copy of the ebook version of mistborn in Australia?
BrandonSandrson Mon Dec 13
@stephencanbe They will be on ebook very soon. My UK publisher had some trouble with the files, and is working hard to get them out.
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14
Blog post: Writing Excuses Podcast Award Nomination, Worldbuilders Charity Drive + Updates.
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