Monday, November 13, 2006

Annotation + Indoctrination


A new Mistborn annotation for your reading enjoyment: Mistborn Chapter Twelve Part Two.

So, tonight I'm going to be teaching my bride to play Magic: The Gathering.  Permberly is something of a closet geek--of the type I'm realizing isn't so uncommon among the female side of the population.

She read a lot of fantasy books when she was younger, and still enjoys them.  She loves fantasy movies, and even knows the more obscure ones.  Yet, she knows nothing about video games, card games, or role playing.  (Other than that her brother played D&D when he was younger.)

Now, I'm not as brave as my friend Morag (See picture of guy below) who took his now-wife role playing on what was, I believe, their second date.  (She'd never done it before.  She's stated time and time again she will NEVER do it again.  He's lucky she went out with him a third time.)

However, since some friends and I are getting ready to do some fun Magic drafts, Pem has expressed interest in knowing at least a little of what we're going to be doing.

And so, my subtle corruption of her begins....

Amphigory Tomorrow.  It's a good one.


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