Saturday, March 24, 2007

Annotation + Bird Poop

First off, new annotation:  Chapter Thirty Part Two

Sorry I'm a day late with this one.  Yesterday was hectic, as I was one of the guest speakers at the LDS Storymaker's conference here in Provo.  I was actually rather impressed with the conference as a whole, and I had a lot of fun signing books for people and talking about writing after my speech. 

I went back today, actually, for lunch.  (They had invited me to dinner last night, but I ended up unable to attend, so I decided to go back today) and had another very nice signing experience.  We must have gone through some forty books through these two days. 

The amusing thing to me about all of this is how surreal it is to sometimes be a pseudo-star, mister nationally published author man.  And then, I get to go home and muck out my pet cockatiel's birdcage.  Life goes on, even for mister nationally published author men.  I think that might be why it's easy to keep your feet on the ground in this business.  One day, you have a fantastic signing event where everyone praises you.  The next week, nobody shows up.

And between both of them, you have to get wrist-deep in bird poop. 

Be sure to check back next week.  I'm going to be doing a feature about bad storytelling conventions that even the pro writers have to use sometimes, and why they can get away with them. 


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