Monday, March 12, 2007

Annotation + Wallpaper + Link Dump

First off, it's Monday, which means a new Mistborn Annotation: Chapter Twenty-Eight Part One  (and it's a particularly long one.)

I was poking around on Naomi Novik's website, and noticed that she had wallpapers up for her cool dragon series Temeraire.  I thought, why in the heck don't I have wallpapers?  I've got books.  I've got a website.  I've got...too much free time on my hands (apparently.)  And so, I whipped a couple up, using my mediocre Photoshop skills.  The first one is available for download at these links:

Screen Resolution 800 by 600
Screen Resolution 1024 by 768
Screen Resolution 1680 by 1050

The art is by the talented Isaac Stewart (a.k.a. Nethermore, a.k.a. Ctz Zed.) I got the backgrounds from a nice person on Deviant Art named merely-anger.  This is now MY desktop.  I think it turned out quite well.  Some have wondered if it is something of a spoiler.  I'll let you speculate on that, but know this: it doesn't quite reveal what you might think it does. 

Other than that, let's see.  I really want one of these.  Or, for my evil mastermind moments, one of these.  I'm probably too cheap to buy either one. 


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