Monday, May 05, 2008

Signing This Saturday!

Just a quick update.  I'll be doing a signing this Saturday, and it will probably be the last one for a couple of months.  The details are as follows:

Day: May 10th
Hour: 2:00pm
Place: Orem Barnes and Noble
University Crossings Plaza
330 East 1300 South Orem,
UT 84058 801-229-1611

This is an "Authorpalooza" event, meaning it was organized by a large group of authors.  There will be quite the crew there, including Mull, Dashner, and a whole ton of children's authors.  We should have both my Tor books and my Scholastic book there for sale and signing, and I'll try to remember to bring a copy of the Mistborn 3 ARC to show off. Note that it's unlikely that they'll have hardcovers of Mistborn or Elantris (though they should have hardcovers of MB2 and Alcatraz.)  If you want hardcovers of the first two, you'll probably just want to order them directly from me.  I won't be selling them at this event, however, since it's just too complicated to sell on consignment.  They should, however, have paperbacks of both Mistborn and Elantris. 

I've gotten some questions about Audiobooks.  As you may know, right now the only book of mine on audio is ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS.  However, we're in negotiations to release Elantris and the Mistborn books in this format, so I should have an announcement to that regard in a month or so.


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