Signing + Mistborn Audible
I'll be doing a signing tonight at 7:30 at the Barnes and Noble at the Jordan Commons in West Jordan Utah. If you live in the area, drop by! I'll happily sign books and chat.
Also, it looks like Mistborn book one is finally up on audible. You should be able to find the audio edition other locations as well. Huzzah! Now just one more to go and the entire trilogy will be on audio.
Here are two pieces of fanart from readers. The second one being the scene that I mentioned in annotations I'd like to see. We really need to get my fanart section up and running. I'll go poke Sprig (aka Jordo, aka my webmaster) on that one.
The work proceeds nicely. The Wheel of Time book is interesting in that I've got a LOT of different types of feedback on it. There's Harriet, of course, but also Mr. Jordan's two assistants, Maria and Alan. They are continuity experts, and have been going through the pages I've done and have been fact checking and giving feedback on general issues as well. I had worried that having three editors on this project would make it more difficult to work on, but so far it's simply been a big help. There is SO much going on in this book and this world that having the extra sets of eyes is very helpful.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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