Monday, November 08, 2010

Nantes, France Utopiales Convention Schedule + Signing in Paris

There's a new Writing Excuses podcast episode up where John Brown joins Howard, Dan, and me to discuss the creative process. Give it a listen.

Tomorrow I'm flying to France to attend the Utopialies science fiction convention in Nantes. My schedule is below. (It seems to be rather signing-heavy; I don't know how well attended these will be, so I'll probably have lots of chances to talk to readers or play Magic or something.) After the con I'll be going to Paris, where I will have a signing at the WH Smith bookstore on November 16th at 7:00 p.m. Details are at the end of the post.

Date: 11.10.10 Time: 6:30 pm-1:13 pm
Place: Utopiales, Festival International de Science-Fiction de Nantes
Address: La Cité Nantes Events Center
5 Rue de Valmy
44041 Nantes, France
Type: Convention

schedule: November 10th through 14th.

18:30–19:30 Soirée d'inauguration

JEUDI 11/11
13:00–14:00 Panel: « Rencontre avec Brandon Sanderson » (Espace Shayol)
14:00–15:00 Book signing
16:00–17:00 Book signing
17:30–18:30 Book signing

12:00–13:00 Book signing
15:30–16:30 Panel: « La guerre : une question de frontières ? » (Bar de Madame Spock)
16:30–17:30 Book signing
18:00–19:00 Panel: « Aux frontières du vivant et du visible » (Espace Shayol)
19:00–19:30 Prix Julia Verlanger (Bar de Madame Spock)

SAMEDI 13/11
10:00–11:00 Panel: « Fantasy, une littérature cartographiée ? » (Espace Shayol)
11:00–12:00 Book signing
16:00–17:00 Book signing

12:30–13:30 Book signing

MARDI 16/11
WHSmith, Paris, France

Date: 11.16.10 Time: 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Place: WH Smith
Address: 248, Rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris Mo Concorde
Phone: 01 44 77 88 99
Type: Signing

Notes: WHSmith says: To ensure proper set-up for our events, we kindly request that you RSVP. To RSVP, please send an email with the number of guests and your contact information to books (at) whsmith (dot) fr with 'Brandon Sanderson Event RSVP' as the object of the message. You will not receive a confirmation, but your name will be registered on our guest list.


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