Fanart + Alcatraz 3 Sample Chapter 1
First off, here's an awesome piece of fanart by Brandon Earnhart. Go check out his blog.

Within a couple of weeks, ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE KNIGHTS OF CRYSTALLIA will be appearing on store shelves. To offer you a taste of it, I've released chapter one on the site today. (The foreword went up last week, and chapter two will follow next week.) And if you've never read the Alcatraz series, sample chapters from book one are available as well.
Dan thinks it's necessary to apologize for this week's Writing Excuses episode, in which we discuss the use of dialect and in-world jargon—while speaking in dialect ourselves. So here you go: "Sorry!" Still, I encourage you to give it a listen and judge for yourself whether this was quite as bad an idea in hindsight as Dan says it was.
In the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations, I discuss Demoux's fall and Sazed's and Goradel's attitudes.
Finally, something I posted about on Twitter and Facebook earlier today: I heard from a happy couple that they named their son Kelsier. That's amazing, humbling, and terrifying all at once.
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