Friday, August 20, 2010

Last Chance for THE WAY OF KINGS Numbered Copies

[UPDATE: Sam Weller's is reportedly sold out already. If we make other arrangements, I'll mention it on Twitter and Facebook. Original post follows.]

THE WAY OF KINGS comes out in less than 11 days, about 246 hours from now. At the release day events—the midnight BYU Bookstore event and the evening Jordan Landing Barnes & Noble event—I will be numbering all of the copies I sign. For anyone who can't attend the signings but wants a numbered copy, tomorrow morning I'll be driving up to Sam Weller's Bookstore and signing and numbering 300 copies there. The bookstore will then start shipping them out next week, to arrive on August 31st (or maybe a day or two after that, since they have to err on the side of caution—Tor doesn't want any copy arriving before that date). They'll send out the international orders first, then the domestic U.S. ones, and then any orders going within Utah.

Since I'm signing at Sam Weller's on Saturday morning, now is the last chance to order a book and get it personalized (have me write your name, add a pithy message—one person has requested a limerick, I hear). Sam Weller's closes at 7:00 PM Friday night and opens 10:00 Saturday morning. If you call before I start signing, or even before I leave the building, it's not too late to get your request in. If you order later than that, you might be able to get a numbered copy (if there are any left) but it would just have the number and my signature, with no personalization.

You can reach Sam Weller's at (801) 328-2586 or (800) 333-7269. For more details, see here; for details on all of the release day signings see here. If there's a signing closer to you, consider getting your book there instead, though I won't be numbering any copies beyond August 31st.

And on an unrelated topic, tomorrow night I'll be appearing at the Rock Canyon Writing for Charity event. More details in the previous blog post.


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