Tweets October 22–27
BrandonSandrson Fri Oct 22
Mistborn novella is at 22k words. This feels about like halfway. (Yes, this is my version of a 'short' piece of fiction.)
theLoveHouse Sat Oct 23
@BrandonSandrson Tor is waiting a year to release ToM on ebook. I have to Boycott #WoT #Tor
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@theLoveHouse It might be in their contract. I honestly don't have anything to do with it--that's between Harriet and Tor.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@theLoveHouse I'll pass on your dissatisfaction, though. I really wonder if this is Harriet, though. She has been hesitant about digital.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@theLoveHouse Remember, Tor released WAY OF KINGS in digital around the same time as the hardcover. They're behind digital.
jrd4212 Sat Oct 23
Spent 12 hours straight finishing Way of Kings by @BrandonSandrson . Wow! What a story. Well-constructed and gorgeously written. Want more!
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@jrd4212 Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.
Southpaw2014 Sat Oct 23
@BrandonSandrson How many microsoft word pages is it for a WoT book? I'm sure it translates different from MW to the book we see right?
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@Southpaw2014 I write in double spaced Courier. So my books are BIG in Word format. TofM was 1600 pages.
StarkQuark Sat Oct 23
@BrandonSandrson Amazon just emailed me that "ToM" Kindle edition is pushed back to 10/1/2011. Extremely upsetting :(
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@StarkQuark Yeah. I'm going to try to figure out why. It might be Harriet, it might be Tor, but I think that's way too long.
squeakingbuddha Sat Oct 23
@BrandonSandrson Are you as disappointed as I am about the Kindle release of TofM? I don't think I can bring myself to buy a hardback copy.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@squeakingbuddha Wow, lots of people emailing about this. I don't know the story yet, but I'll try to find out why.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
Lots of people contacting me about Tor pushing back the TofM ebook until long after the hardcover. I'll see if I can find out why.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
It's not my call on this book. It could be Harriet's choice, could be Tor's. I'll see what I can unearth. Maybe I can get it out sooner.
helios1014 Fri Oct 22
@BrandonSandrson Also, does Roshar have an inflation problem or are the gemhearts that valuble?
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@helios1014 Yes and no. You see, the ability of these gemhearts to turn directly into food has a strange effect on the economy.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@helios1014 That, mixed with a pretty good world-wide economy, should buffer inflation. But there will be some.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
Just wrote the coolest Allomancer gunfight ever. It's also the ONLY Allomancer gunfight ever written. But it's still cool.
SerhumXen Fri Oct 22
@BrandonSandrson Does it contain Hoid? Can Hoid be contained? #DeathByPizza
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@SerhumXen The story might have a Hoid cameo, but it is not a primary Hoid story, so he'll not influence things much.
shawnp0wers Fri Oct 22
Really loving @BrandonSandrson's Mistborn series. Book 3 just jumped the shark a bit, but I think it will turn back around. :)
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@shawnp0wers Dangit! I told the Fonz to stop with that water-skiing in my books.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
Guys, GUYS. Wheel of time Pumpkins. (Via @lynnirene)
DaveJustDave Fri Oct 22
@BrandonSandrson soooo. No Southern California dates for Towers of Midnight tour !?!?
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@DaveJustDave Sorry. Tor was going to do no west coast at all, and I had to do some complaining to get Sacramento on.
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@DaveJustDave They had in their mind "Way of Kings west coast, TofM east coast." I'll try to get to San Diego next year sometime, though.
Spencimus Fri Oct 22
Wonder is @BrandonSandrson will knock out a tome on writing fantasy, gleaned from #writingexcuses ? Great podcast, save occasional "uh..."
BrandonSandrson Sat Oct 23
@Spencimus The "uh"s are an Easter egg. If you slow them down really far, you find hidden advice.
maro254 Mon Oct 25
Other than #6 and #48, any other questions people want to gripe about?
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 25
@maro254 Sure, I'll bite. #20. An equipment that kills your creature and lets you do direct damage to someone else with it is useless? :)
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 25
Only about a week until book tour comes for me again. I need to get this novella finished quickly, eh?
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 25
Note: I'll be bringing my decks and the rest of the prizes WotC sent me to give out on tour, though I don't know if I'll have time to play.
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 25
Signing Towers of Midnight Sam Weller's orders. Have written "Fire to Blind" twice so far on accident. Why do I do this?
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 25
Oops. That time I did it right. I meant I write Iron to blind. And now I am very confused.
BrandonSandrson Mon Oct 25
Dang Germans. Making things hard for me. :)
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 26
Okay, I guess this is becoming a thing...
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 26
Whew. Well, that took about six hours. 700 books.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 26
A shot from above. Most of those are TofM, despite Kings being on top.
BrandonSandrson Tue Oct 26
Blog post: Updates, Interview, & Superstars Writing Seminar.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
Well, the Mistborn short-story-turned-novella just hit 40k words, which by SFWA definitions now makes it a short novel instead.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
Here's a nice Mistborn costume from @SelmerMKVI Anyone else going to be Mistborn for Halloween? Send me pics! :)
FelixPax Mon Oct 25
@BrandonSandrson Would you say one of Mat Cauthon's symbols is a "Yew" tree? #WoT
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@FelixPax By yew, you're talking about the black yew of his bow? I don't know if I'd call it a symbol of his. A lesser one, maybe.
ebynum Mon Oct 25
@BrandonSandrson I assume there's a signing in Charleston, but not in Greenville, SC. Is the tour listed online somewhere?
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@ebynum It's on the events tab of my website. Signing in Charleston is in the spring (because of the party.)
sg_luke Mon Oct 25
@BrandonSandrson any word on if/when TofM will come to the Kindle?
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@sg_luke I've emailed Tor. First, I have to find out if it's their call, or if it was Harriet's. I will post when I know more.
BlanchardAuthor Mon Oct 25
My big, nice, hardcover copy of @BrandonSandrson's Way of Kings fell into the rain. :( Just a few pages wet, it'll be okay, but still...
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@BlanchardAuthor Ah, just makes it look more loved. I started one of my favorite books on fire once by accident...
greyrealm28 Mon Oct 25
@BrandonSandrson I was wondering about the details of your dallas book signing. Will it be wristbanded? Do I have to buy my book there?
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@greyrealm28 I don't know the details--you should call the store. But I have yet to do a signing where you HAVE to buy the book there.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@greyrealm28 I usually ask people to consider buying something from the store, but so far, no stores have required it.
fdnyubergeek Mon Oct 25
@BrandonSandrson Just finished The Way of Kings, and I must say I was amazed. Awesome story. I cannot wait for more.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@fdnyubergeek Thank you so much!
uhavemyname Mon Oct 25
Hey @BrandonSandrson I finished the way of kings last night, wow! So good, but whats up with you and the weather?
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@uhavemyname Ha! Well, I guess those Nebraska thunderstorms I grew up with left an impression...
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@uhavemyname (Actually, it has some things to do with the over-arcing nature of magic in the universe of my epic novels.)
theLoveHouse Mon Oct 25
@BrandonSandrson #ToM ebook. Tor said delay at request of author's estate. Could u ask Harriet sweetly to allow ebook, from the fans? #WoT
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@theLoveHouse Ah. So it is Harriet. I'll see what I can do. Do be patient with her, though.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
@theLoveHouse She's of the old guard, and a lot of them are very reserved about ebooks. (Like the Beatles rights holders were with itunes.)
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
No big updates on the TofM ebook. I did write an email to the Jordan estate to ask if maybe we can move it up. No promises.
BrandonSandrson Wed Oct 27
Loving this blog: If you're an aspiring illustrator or just interested in fantasy/sf art, it's well worth reading.