Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
If you haven't seen the Steelheart book trailer, the prologue, or the teaser chapters (Chapter Ten and Chapter Eleven), please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. Weller Book Works has a few signed & numbered copies left. You can also come to the release event at the Orem Barnes & Noble on September 24th. (More details later.) Mysterious Galaxy and Shawn Speakman's The Signed Page will also have signed books available to preorder, but they won't be shipped until I sign them in October. I have worldwide links to other places you can preorder the book here.
Many of you know that my good friend Dan Wells’s Serial Killer books were published in Germany before they were printed in the US (see Writing Excuses Episode 8.29 for a description of how this happened). Since then, Dan’s books have done very well in Germany. In fact, he’s living there now partly because of this.
Dan’s success in Germany has made me curious about what my readers think of the German translations of my own novels. I’ve never visited Germany. It’s a big market that I don’t know very much about, and I’m curious about it.
In fact, I would love to know how my foreign translations in any language compare to the original English. If there are those of you out there who are familiar with both editions of some of my works, we would love to hear from you, particularly if you are bilingual or have read both the original and a foreign translation. Specifically we would like to hear from my German readers.
We would also like to know who your favorite translators are in your language. Are there ones that do a particularly good job? Please email your thoughts through the contact form on my website or post on Facebook.
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Website redesign launch
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Infinity Blade: Redemption + Updates
Hey, all! I had an exciting time at Worldcon, as you might have heard. I'm working on a long blog post about the experience, and it will go up tomorrow. (Actually, be sure to check my site tomorrow, regardless...)
For today, though, I wanted to announce the release of my second and final Infinity Blade novella! It's out now on the iBookstore, with a short exclusive period for them. It will move to other ebook platforms next week.
If you aren't familiar with this project, these are based on a game series made by some friends of mine in Salt Lake City. The games are awesome, and have been bestsellers on iOS devices. I did one other novella bridging the first and second games, and now have written one taking place after the second game. It's been a fun experience; they've really let me onto the team, and I've been able to have a lot to do with the story development of the entire series.
Pictures of Hugo Awards tomorrow!
In other news, my assistant Peter has uploaded another Twitter posts archive, covering August.
A bit of catch-up on the Writing Excuses podcast: We did episodes on making non-human characters relatable, survivorship bias, and a guest episode with Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content about digging yourself out of holes.