Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tattered Cover Denver Signing Tickets

Peter again. Brandon asked me to give a shout out about the Denver signing on Sunday, November 1st. (Today's early afternoon signing in Las Vegas is about to start, so if you're in the area, head on down!)

The Tattered Cover is one of the best independent bookstores in the nation, and they've taken good care of Brandon in the past—even before he was picked to finish the Wheel of Time. For big events the Tattered Cover rents an adjacent auditorium for the author to speak in, and tomorrow's appearance is no exception. For that reason—to cover the costs of renting the hall—this is a ticketed event; the first 275 people to buy a copy of THE GATHERING STORM from any of the Tattered Cover's three locations will get a ticket to the auditorium to see Brandon speak. (He'll most likely be doing a reading, a short presentation, and/or a Q&A session.) Then everyone in the auditorium gets their books signed.

If you've already bought your copy of the book elsewhere, or if the 275 hall tickets have run out, you can get a free ticket to the overflow section starting Sunday at 1:00 p.m. (the store employee I talked to estimated there would be 200 of these available). Everyone in the overflow will be able to hear Brandon talk but must wait to see him until the actual signing line starts filing past.

Brandon wants to make sure that at least the event hall gets filled up to make this worth the Tattered Cover's while. Strong independents like this sticking their necks out for authors are still a huge portion of the lifeblood of the book market. For event details please see the Tattered Cover's website.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Housekeeping, Sam Weller's shipping

Peter, Assistant to Mr. Sanderson, here again with an update. I'll probably be doing this a bit in the next few weeks while Brandon is on tour, since he's spending every decent stretch of time not signing books either sleeping or working on TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. I hope he'll be able to chime in from time to time, but if not, he's at least posting quick status updates on Twitter and Facebook (many of them about where to find signed books—he's not just signing books in the official tour stores, but in any bookstore he happens to pass along the way, including airport bookstores).

Quick update on the Sam Weller's signed and numbered copies that 493 of you ordered. They started shipping them out last Thursday and the books started being delivered on Tuesday. But unfortunately after five days of shipping books and getting over 80% of them out the door, the US Post Office suddenly balked at the way the books are packaged (even though they didn't say a word the previous five days or every other time Sam Weller's has done virtual signings for Brandon). So a bit fewer than 20% of them had to be repackaged (Sam Weller's is picking up the tab for the difference in shipping cost) and didn't make it out the door until yesterday or today. If you're still waiting for your book to arrive, Sam Weller's apologizes profusely and we all hope you get your book soon.

The most recent Writing Excuses podcast is about how to turn an idea into a story. And the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations cover Elend's conversation with Yomen and Vin's identity acceptance, TenSoon's escape and Kandra Blessings, Marsh and the Inquisitors' metal triangles, and how Hemalurgy works.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Release party NOW (and live feed)

Hi, Brandon's assistant Peter here with a quick update. Brandon is currently ensconced deep within the BYU Bookstore signing and numbering all their copies of THE GATHERING STORM in preparation for the release in a little over two hours. If you're anywhere near Utah Valley right now, consider heading over there to take part in the fun. The Storm Leaders headed up by Tamyrlin of WoT fansite Theoryland are working the crowd and handing out freebies. They've also set up several ways you can follow the release party from afar: they're tweeting at @MidnightRelease and they'll have a live webcam feed starting around 10:00. (If you're nowhere near the BYU Bookstore right now but still want to see Brandon and get your book signed, check out the full tour schedule.) The wait is finally over!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Update from MileHi Con

I met with some wonderful people from a small independent bookstore here in Denver (where I'm attending MileHi Con) who have copies of THE GATHERING STORM in stock, ready to be shipped out on Tuesday.  I thought it might be good to give them a little bit of a shout-out here on the blog, as I'll be doing a signing at the con tomorrow very near to their booth.  Now, they're not going to be selling The Gathering Storm early (obviously.)  But they WILL be able to carry a book over to me and get it personalized for you, then ship it to you next week.  In fact, if you buy a book, they might be willing to walk over during the signing itself and hand the phone over to me, so you can tell me what you want me to write in the book yourself. 

This is very much like the Sam Weller's thing we've already done, I realize, and many of you already have your book ordered.  But if you missed that opportunity, or perhaps live in the Denver area and want a store where you can pick up the book in person rather than have it shipped, this is a great chance to support an independent bookseller. 

If you want to contact them, use the following info.  The first phone number is the bookseller's cell phone, and the second is the bookstore itself. 

Nina's cell phone 7203208722

Broadway Book Mall 303-744-BOOK

I'll be doing the signing from 3-4 Mountain Time, but if you call too late, they can get the book personalized for you when I'm back in Denver next week.  (You will have to wait a little while to get the book that way.)  They're selling the book at cover price, with US shipping being $4.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sam Weller's signing and my MileHiCon schedule

Yesterday evening I went up to Sam Weller's and signed and numbered 500 copies of THE GATHERING STORM for their virtual release day signing. (My hand hurts. Now I'm really looking forward to signing 1,000 books within 24 hours next week.) Anyway, a grand total of seven of those books were not already spoken for through preorders. If you call Sam Weller's this instant you might be able to snag one of the remaining copies (assuming they haven't already been claimed since yesterday). Now, I will be signing there again on November 2nd as a regular stop on the book tour, so if you can't make any of the tour dates and want a signed book, calling Sam Weller's is still a good option—anything signed there after yesterday just won't have a number and won't get shipped out until a week after the book is released. Which is just seven days away, folks.

This weekend I'm going to be the Toastmaster at MileHiCon in Denver. Pre-registration is already closed, but you can register at the door. My convention schedule is below.

(Also, don't forget that I'll be appearing at the Koelbel Library on Thursday, before the convention starts. And I'll be back in Denver on November 1st during the tour.)

Friday October 23

4:00 p.m.–4:50 p.m.
Panel: Bringing Characters to Life
(with C. Felice, N. Kress, R. Owens, and J. Skillingstead)

5:00 p.m.–5:50 p.m.
An Hour with Brandon Sanderson
(includes a reading)

7:00 p.m.–7:45 p.m.
Opening Ceremonies

8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Signing in Autograph Alley

Saturday October 24

10:00 a.m.–10:50 a.m.
Gaming with Brandon Sanderson
(Playing Magic: The Gathering. Bring your cards. Small group, signup required.)

3:00 p.m.–3:50 p.m.
Panel: The Craft of Writing
(with B. Hambly, N. Kress, and J. Van Pelt)

7:30 p.m.–9:50 p.m.
Masquerade/Literary Auction

Sunday October 25

11:00 a.m.–12:50 p.m.
Guest of Honor Speeches/Awards
(with M. Gunn, B. Hambly, N. Kress, and J. Picacio)

2:00 p.m.–2:50 p.m.
Panel: Understanding Point of View
(with H. Bell, G. Gillette, A. Lickiss, and J. Stith)

3:00 p.m.–3:50 p.m.

5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
Closing Ceremonies

Monday, October 19, 2009

Contest, Prints Sold Out, Updates

Over at Pat's Fantasy Hotlist, Pat is running a contest where one person will win one autographed copy of THE GATHERING STORM. The contest has no geographical restrictions, so check it out. (And if Pat isn't already on your blogroll, stick around and see what else he has to say about what's new in the genre.)

The Mistborn Table of Allomantic Metals sold out its limited edition print run within about the first 30 hours. I did not expect that to happen, but I'm pleased at its reception! I'll let you know when we get the cheap poster versions ready for ordering, and we'll certainly be doing more things like this in the future. (Though I do hope the next one will take much less than a year from initial design to availability.)

In the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations I discuss the Urteau cache (including a spoiler) and more about the first ball scene in Fadrex.

In this week's Writing Excuses podcast Dan, Howard, and I talk again with Larry Correia, "that guy who did everything wrong and still got published." This time we discuss self-publishing and the pitfalls inherent in it. Give it a listen!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Time running out! Also, World English release of Mistborn

It appears that I completely underestimated you wonderful (read: crazy) people. I had thought, foolishly, that 100 Allomantic Table prints would last a few months at least. Well, after 24 hours, we've sold 85 of the 100 prints.

So what am I saying? If you want one, you probably only have a few hours left. So might I suggest some expediency?

And, in the same vein, if you want a signed, numbered copy of THE GATHERING STORM, your time is running out there as well. Sam Weller's has a few of those left of their 500 limit, but I'll be going in to sign and personalize them on Monday. So this is just a gentle reminder. I think they're going to be able to ship them in a way that gets you the book on the release day. It would be very nice for them to have sold through their 500 when I go in to sign on Monday, so if you were thinking of getting one of those copies, your time is quickly running out.

Finally, the UK. It has been a long and surprisingly difficult path getting my books released in the World English market. As it stands, I've sold rights to my novels in some twenty markets so far, but for the longest time the only way to get the Mistborn books in the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand has been to either import them or (in the UK) go through the UK science fiction book club.

I've wondered why this is. Part of me thinks that these areas, already having a stable of strong fantasy and science fiction writers locally, didn't need to bring over some uppity Yank's books. Still, the large numbers of import sales indicated that there was a strong desire to read the books, and I think the release of THE GATHERING STORM in a few weeks will drive more eyes toward MISTBORN. My agent thinks that the World English markets were hesitant because they originally passed on the books, and now worry that enough people have imported them to dull the market for them.

Either way, we finally—at long last—have found a World English market publisher who is willing to take a chance on the books. Gollancz (a fine publisher) is releasing the books in these markets one at a time, a few months apart. (Book two is in December, I believe, and book three to follow around February.)

I've had a lot of complaints from people in these countries that they can't find my books. Well, with how difficult it was to get a publisher to take a chance on us, I'd certainly like to make a good showing now that the books are out. So, if you live in the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand, now would be the time to go and give the books a look. (Or maybe nudge your friends into doing so.)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Table of Allomantic Metals limited edition available immediately

I know it's been about a year now since I first mentioned its impending release on the blog, but at long last the Mistborn Table of Allomantic Metals is now available in the store. To begin with they're available only in a $50 24"x18" numbered limited edition of 100, signed by me and by the artist, Isaac Stewart. This is an archival art print intended for framing and display. There will be cheap (and bit smaller) poster and desktop wallpaper versions available at a later date.

I mentioned earlier that number one wouldn't be available, but I've changed my mind: numbers one through ten (and all but a couple numbers between 11 and 100) are available, and you can get them on a first-come first-served basis. So for example, if you're the third person to submit an order, you get print #3/100.

We're guessing that these will last through the holidays, but they could go very quickly. If you want one, it's a good idea to order now.

I've been thinking of offering more collector's items like this in the future. What do you think? Do you like that I'm offering this Allomantic Table print? Should I get Isaac to make Feruchemy and Hemalurgy tables? What other items are you itching for? I'm considering having a swordsmith make Nightblood replicas, but they would run about $250 and that doesn't even include a sheath. Do I have fans who would go for something like that? (And how much would a sheath be worth to you?) You can let me know on LiveJournal, Facebook, or my forum.

Monday, October 12, 2009

MileHiCon, Signing Deadline, Allomantic Table, Updates

I haven't really mentioned it on the blog here, but I am going to be the toastmaster at MileHiCon in Denver next weekend, October 23rd through 25th. I'll post a specific schedule next week of where you'll find me at the con. I'll also be doing a signing on the 22nd at the Koelbel Library in Centennial that's open to all (convention registration not required). This is all before the release of THE GATHERING STORM, though, so Denver residents should also keep in mind that I'll be back in town on November 1st during the book tour. For details please see my Events page.

I'm going to be signing and personalizing Sam Weller's Bookstore's copies of THE GATHERING STORM on October 19th starting at 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time, so if you want to order a copy from them, that is the last moment you can request a personalization. They'll still accept orders after that for the remainder of the signed stock, but you'll be limited to a signature and a number unless you call them before 5:00 on the 19th. For details please see Item #4 on the Release Events page.

The limited-edition Mistborn Table of Allomantic Metals art prints have been delivered here to Dragonsteel Entertainment headquarters, and artist Isaac Stewart and I will be signing them tonight. We'll start taking orders probably tomorrow; expect a big announcement here on the blog.

In this week's Writing Excuses podcast, Dan, Howard, and I talk with Larry Correia, author of Monster Hunter International, about plot-driven vs. character-driven fiction. Go check it out!

The most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations involve the trilogy's first ball scene in quite a while. Chapter 30 was a lot of fun for me to write; I hope it gave many readers fond memories of MISTBORN 1. Part 1, Part 2.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Alcatraz 3, Maze Runner, Names

Here are a few items I thought I'd let you guys know about. First off, remember that there's a signing this Saturday at 2:00. It's the release party for ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE KNIGHTS OF CRYSTALLIA. The book is pretty much sold out across Utah, so if you want one, this is the best place to get it. I'll be numbering the copies there (though I won't be starting at #1, as a few people have already gotten to me for signatures—I think we're on #4.). The bookstore will have plenty of copies, which are pretty much (as far as I've seen) the last available copies in the state. So, come get some books! As always, I'll be signing all my other books too.

I think this is my last Utah signing before the tour for THE GATHERING STORM. So it's your last chance to chat with me and get books signed in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Secondly, James Dashner—a good friend of mine and an excellent writer—just released what is hands-down the finest book of his career so far. It's called THE MAZE RUNNER, and I absolutely loved it. I've read a number of James's books, but this one is on a different level entirely.

It's in the YA postapocalyptic genre—so, like THE HUNGER GAMES. It's about a group of boys who wake up without memories trapped inside an enormous maze filled with deadly traps. It's getting a big push from the publisher, so if you follow YA, you'll probably hear a lot about it in the near future. Really, it's an excellent novel. If you're a fan of fast-paced thriller-style writing, I think you'll enjoy it.

Finally, progress on TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT is continuing at a fair pace. As always, there are sections that turn out beautifully and sections that don't. (The latter get thrown away and rewritten, the former get kept and rewritten. That's just how this goes.) I'm feeling very good about my deadlines on this one. It's going to be tight, but I think you'll get it next year as planned.

One of the things I felt could be improved on from THE GATHERING STORM is my use of names. Robert Jordan had a distinctive way of using names, and I think that some of my names for the book didn't quite hit the right mark. We're talking about very minor things—people who are named and don't appear, or maybe who speak one line or another. Anyone more major than that generally had a name already (or if they didn't, I pulled a name from one of Mr. Jordan's unused names files).

The thing is, a good epic fantasy like this uses dozens and dozens of new names in a book. I wanted to take a stab at approaching the naming in the way Mr. Jordan did. During my very first ride with Harriet, coming back from the airport two years ago to her home in Charleston, I remember her talking about some of Mr. Jordan's names. One came from a street we passed, another from a person he knew, and another from a word he saw on a sign. His goal was to hint at our world far in the future—or perhaps far in the past—by giving occasional hints to our world through legend, story, song, and name. Hence we get names like Thom or Artur, which are direct adaptations of names from our world.

Therefore, for TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT I've been using a list of names from our world as inspiration. I chose the list of donors for the charity event that Tar did last spring, and I've been posting the names on Twitter and Facebook as I choose them. So if you're curious about this, you can watch and see who gets chosen. I'm certain someone out there is keeping a list of them all as well. (I've got one here, and may post it eventually.)

I don't want to make it seem like I'm playing favorites or soliciting praise in order to get people into the Wheel of Time, and so for now I'm using this list ONLY. If we decide to do another charity event, I'll let you know. If you don't want to find out about the names, I won't post them here on the blog, but those who do wish to know can follow along. Remember, these are very small characters, often just mentioned by name but not seen. I'm adapting all the names, so the name I post is not what will appear in the book—it's just the inspiration for what will appear.

Still, I think it will make some people very happy and will allow me to try a method that Robert Jordan used in making these books. Perhaps it wasn't so conscious for him as it is for me, but one of my duties in writing these novels is to try—to the best of my abilites—to maintain the proper feel of the Wheel of Time. I think this will help. We'll see; I've got Harriet and Team Jordan backing me up, and so if any of the names stand out to them, they'll vanish and get replaced with something more appropriate.

(And, as I've said before, remember that the Wheel of Time turns, and people are constantly spun in and out of the Pattern. Those who are alive today could very well live again during the Third Age, and so it's not so odd at all for people who loved these books during our time to get pulled into Rand's ta'veren web and spun out again during the events of the Last Battle. . . .)

Also, note that the Mistborn Posters are almost ready. We'll be doing a big announcement about them next week.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Release Parties, Giveaways, Annotations, and John Brown

On Friday I talked about this coming Saturday's release party for ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE KNIGHTS OF CRYSTALLIA. Be sure to read the entry if you missed it. Now, some of you are more interested in the release of THE GATHERING STORM that's coming up at the end of this month (though if you haven't read any ALCATRAZ, you're missing out). I recently found out about an alternative to the event I'll be doing at the BYU bookstore. If all you want is to get the book right away, standing in line for hours isn't your idea of fun, and you don't care about meeting me or getting my signature in the book (I understand, who cares about that Brandon Sanderson guy? You just want to know what happens to [insert character name here] ASAP!), the Provo Waldenbooks is also going to be open at midnight with plenty of copies on hand. They've put details up on Facebook. I'm going to be on the other side of town, of course, but the Provo Waldenbooks has hosted a couple of my release parties in the past, and it's a great place to buy books. (I won't make it to that store on this tour but am sure to stop by there sometime after I get back.) I imagine it will be a more relaxed way to get your hands on the book than the official release party—at which I still hope to see as many of you as possible. (By the way, the Dragonmount folks have put up Facebook calendar items for every stop of my tour, including the official release party. You can go add yourself to the events you're attending, if you like to do that sort of thing.) I haven't heard about any other special events or midnight openings at non-tour sites coinciding with the book's release, but if I do find out about any others I'll let you know.

I mentioned this on Twitter and Facebook earlier, but is sponsoring a giveaway of EYE OF THE WORLD and MISTBORN 1 over at SF Signal. If you already have both books (and I assume a large percentage of you do), they at least make great gifts. Check it out. The deadline is Monday the 12th at midnight.

In the most recent annotations for MISTBORN 3, I discuss guns in fantasy and other perceived anachronisms. I also talk about Breeze and Sazed's relationship in the period since the end of MISTBORN 2. On many occasions I have details worked out that just don't end up in the book. Some of them go into the deleted scenes section of the Library, but many others end up in the annotations. If you're the type of fan who is always wondering what happens between the lines of my books, the annotations are for you.

John Brown joins the Writing Excuses team once again for this week's podcast, which deals with how to get over writing depression and how to evoke emotions in your readers. John's first book, SERVANT OF A DARK GOD, comes out from Tor next week. I enjoyed the book and gave it a quote, which seems to have been chopped down to a single word. Anyway, you can read the first seven chapters on his website.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Time for some Alcatraz News

For those of you interested in my children's books, the third Alcatraz book came out yesterday. Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia. I'm honestly not sure how the distribution is on the book—we've had a few problems (as always) and I don't know which stores have copies and which ones don't. However, it's started to show up in a lot of markets, so chances are you can find it now. (And, if you go to a bookstore and it's not there, might I ask that you have them order it in? Our Alcatraz coverage is still spotty, and a lot of stores aren't getting copies. However, if you order one, they'll have on their records that they sold a copy—and might order in a copy of book four when it is released.) Right now, as chains go, it looks like Barnes and Noble is more likely to have copies than Borders is. And, of course, there's a good chance that your local independent children's bookseller will have copies.

I WILL be doing a release party for the book, though not until next Saturday. But I will be numbering the copies. The details are on the events page.

If you haven't tried out Alcatraz, I think you'll be surprised at how much you enjoy it. It's a lighthearted look at my style of fantasy novel, with a focus on humor and quick pacing. If you know a younger person (around ten to fourteen) who is too clever for their own good, these books are meant for them. Or, if you have a heart that enjoys a nice batch of silliness mixed with sarcasm and some crazy fantasy moments, you'll enjoy the books no matter what your age.

Now, I do have to warn you that the books have very invasive narrator, and the humor wears on some readers. But they are also a great deal of fun, are quick reads, and (I like to think) have their share of clever moments. If you were a fan of Lightsong in Warbreaker, then Alcatraz will probably be your thing.

We have copies of book one for sale—signed and personalized—in the store. You can find the paperback at your local bookseller. (Or, at least, sometimes you can . . . )