Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Sanderson Household Welcomes LimeBaby

In case you haven't heard, we have a new addition to our family.  LimeBaby was born on Monday the 29th at about 2:00pm.  Mother and baby boy are both fine, and while it wasn't an easy delivery (are any really easy?) it wasn't hard, and there were no real complications.  (The cord was around his neck, and that gave us a little worry as every time Pemberly would push, Lime's heart rate would go way down.  The doctors and nurses figured it out, however.)

As of this afternoon at about 2:00, we are home, healthy, and happy.  Thanks to everyone who wished us congratulations, and for those who sent us gifts!  Much appreciated.  As this is our first child, we're stumbling about, trying to figure out how this all works.

In case you're wondering, I use the term LimeBaby for him for a couple of reasons.  First off, it's nice to have an added level of privacy when it comes to the Internet.  You can easily find his real name (Joel) on my forum or on Wikipedia (eventually) as I'm somewhat in the public eye.  However, I prefer using a nickname on my blog.  The name comes from the fact that during Pemberly's pregnancy, she got weekly updates from a baby website which would tell her the developments the fetus was going through during that week.  The email would always compare the size of the baby to an object to let us know the relative size.  Most of these were foods, and Pemberly would call the baby by that name that week.  "Peababy has a spine!" she'd say.  Or "Beanbaby has eye spots!" 

Eventually, he hit LimeBaby, which we liked for some reason.  The next week was Jumbo Shrimp, and we didn't like the sound of "Jumbo Shrimp Baby." Not only did the fetus kind of LOOK like a shrimp, which made it too real a comparison, but it just didn't roll off the tongue.

So, LimeBaby he became! 

We'll see how this changes my work schedule.  I hope to keep on doing what I'm doing, just with a baby in tow, but we shall see.  For now, expect some Annotations tomorrow or Friday and watch the percentages on the front page to see what I'm working on and how quickly it's going.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

EUOLogy: Dumbledore

Since I'm LDS, readers have occasionally asked my views on homosexuality and the like.  Such questions have always been respectful, and I've enjoyed the conversations.

I finally got around to writing up my perspective, as an LDS writer, on the whole Dumbledore thing.  It's long, so I'm not going to post it here, but you can hop over to the EUOLogy section of my website to read it.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


At long last, another pair of annotations.  I'll be more regular with these now that I'm back from tour.
Mistborn 2 Chapter Nine
Mistborn 2 Chapter Ten

Recent Links of Note:
Kevin J. Anderson in Utah!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Amphigory + What I'm Working On

Okay, so I'm off by a few hours.  Sorry about that.  I wanted to get this posted on Tuesday, but it will have to be a wee-hours Wednesday post.  Scroll down for pun stupidity.  Since It's so late, I'm going to hold off on those annotations (since I have to edit them and the like) until Thursday.

Those of you who check the main page might have noticed that I did a sweeping update of the book percentages in the top left corner.  I'd let this section languish, so I decided to throw up all of the projects that I know I need to get done by next year this time, along with a few projects I'd LIKE to get done by then.  We'll see how many of these I can clear off the list by then. 

First off, we have the long-awaited Warbreaker draft.  I really need to get to this, as it's the book that will be coming out after Mistborn 3.  Our hope was to get it out fairly quickly, perhaps at a 10 month interval, then publish the sequel sometime during the holiday season.  However, before any of that can happen, I'll need to get to revising.  This is the project my agent wants me to be working on.  (You'll notice that writing the sequel is on the list of things to do as well.)

Also on the list is Alcatraz 3.  2 is done and turned in, and I'm waiting for the next round of revisions on that one.  I'd like to have three turned in early, just like I did for two, and this is actually what I'm working on right now.  I figure that I need to get it done before turning my attention to Warbreaker, since I'll spend a lot of time editing there, then want to move on to do the sequel while the first one is still fresh in my mind.

The Liar of Partinel (a.k.a Dragonsteel Book One.)  This is the series I'm doing after Warbreaker, so I kind of jumped the gun on writing it.  But, it needed to be done because I'm going to have to let this one simmer for a long time.  I'm planning a long-ish series for that one, rather than the two book quickie for Warbreaker.  That means I need plenty of time to plan out and plot based on events in the first book.  That means getting it done early enough to plan out the rest of the series.  (I hate 'make it up as you go along' series.)

That leaves a couple of backburner 'on spec' projects.  Dark One, something I've been trying to finish off for two years now, is a YA fantasy.  The Super Secret Project is something I'm not really talking about right non (as you might have guessed) but I'll do so eventually. 

Mixed up in all of that are a bunch of other edits I need to do.  I had no idea how much I'd have to juggle things like this when I got published. 

Anyway, stupid pun time!  Apparently, there was a big video game release last month while I was on book tour.  Who knew?

Amphigory Header copy

Halo Kitty

Monday, October 22, 2007

Back, Kevin J., Pemberly Moment

Well, I'm back and--save for a quick trip to Reno this Thursday for a conference--I'm going to be able to stay here for a while this time.  That means, back to the grind!  The great thing is, I LIKE the grind!  Writing books is my favorite part of this whole deal, so the fact that I get to come home from tour and work on things is very relaxing.

Again, I'd like to give a big thanks to everyone who visited and chatted with me during the tour.  You guys are awesome.  Thank you so much for taking the time to come get books signed, and as always, thanks for reading!

And, speaking of tours, there's one item of news you Utah folks might be interested in hearing about.  Kevin J. Anderson, author of the Dune prequels and sequels, will be in town this week doing a signing for his new book The Last Days of Krypton, which is a novelization of...well, the last days of Krypton before Superman was sent off to Earth.  I'm sure he'll sign any of his books you put in front of him, and it sure would be nice to give him a nice reception here in Provo, since he went to great lengths to come here on tour.  

Signing details:
October 25, 2007, 7:00 PM MDT
4801 N. University Avenue
Provo, UT 84606

Note to speculators: LimeBaby isn't here yet.  We're still waiting.  While the due date is November 2nd, Pemberly is thinking he'll be here early.  Hopefully, not while I'm in Reno.  I did capture this nice Pemberly Moment recently, however:

"I wonder if dehydration--OW!--contributes to leg cramps."

Amphigory (I know it's been a while) Tomorrow along with some Annotations!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Anyone have a WFC Membership for sale?

I've got a friend who wants to go to the World Fantasy Convention, but has discovered that they're sold out.  So, if anyone out there wants to sell their membership(s), let me know.  (He'd like two or three, if he can get them.)

In other news, it's good to be home!  Even though the tour doesn't officially end until this Saturday, I was able to sleep in my own bed last night.  The next few tour dates are all in Utah.  Pemberly is glad for that, since the doctor told her today that LimeBaby could come at any moment.  (She's dilated to a 3.5 or something like that.)

By the way, thank you all for the baby presents you gave me during the tour.  Pemberly particularly liked the penguin bath time present, Penny.  She played with that thing for an embarrassingly long time, and the baby hasn't even come yet!

Looking forward to seeing you Salt Lake people at my signing in West Jordan tomorrow. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Quick Book Tour News

First off, there was some confusion about times with my signing in Boise.  If anyone showed up and didn't find me there, please email me.  I'd like to know, and try to make it up to you.

Secondly, I have TWO signings in Logan.  I just realized that one of them didn't have a time posted.  So, I'll be at the Waldenbooks from 4-5:30(ish) and at the Borders from 7-9.  The Borders one will probably include a reading.  Come see Dave and I, and get you books signed.  Also, Isaac--the interior illustrator for the Mistborn books--will be there to sign the maps, if you want him to!

In fact, if you've been looking for a signed copy of Mistborn: The Well of Ascension, there are plenty of places to get them!  Most of the bookstores on my signing tour will mail them to you if you ask.  In fact, the bookstore where I signed tonight--the Barnes and Noble in Idaho Falls--not only has copies of Mistborn 2 and Alcatraz, but also copies of Mistborn 1 and Elantris in hardback.  This is one of the few places left where you can get hardback Mistborn books signed by both me and Isaac.  Call and ask for Marybeth.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Book Tour: Week Three (With Annotations)

One more week on the road, and then things can get a little bit back to normal.  Seattle and Portland went very well--thanks to all who came out to see us.  Also, a special thanks to both Powell's Beaverton and the University Bookstore in Seattle for treating us so well.  These fine folks don't have to have authors like me into their stores--we don't make them thousands of dollars, and probably cause more work than we're worth.  Yet, Peter and Duane were not only helpful, but excited to see us. 

We left plenty of signed books behind at both locations, and I think both are happy to ship books to anyone who wants them.  So, if you want signed first editions of any of my books (including hardcovers of my earlier novels) make sure to give a call to either store.  Ask for Peter at Powell's Beaverton and Duane at University Bookstore.

Also, here are some Annotations for you!

Well of Ascension Chapter Seven
Well of Ascension Chapter Eight

In other news (which I may have mentioned) some small number of Mistborn 2 hardcovers had a printing error near the end.  If you got one of these, please email me and ask for the missing pages!  I'll happily send them to you.  And, of course, take that book back and get a new one from the bookstore.  They'll send it back to Tor for a refund, and Tor will get one from the printer who made the mistake. 

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Week Two Check In (With Annotations)

I'm heading into week two of my book tour, and thought I'd check in with the blog.  Sorry again for the lack of updates during this period.  During the days, I've been hitting bookstores and signing their shelf stock, then during the evenings Dave and I are doing official signings.  I often don't get in at night until rather late, and after a call to my wife, I'm pretty much ready to collapse in bed.

So far, things have been good.  The booksellers, as always, are awesome.  I've left signed books at each of the stores on the tour list, and so if you missed me in LA, Vegas, or San Diego, you can still go get a signed copy. 

Wanted to post two annotations for you as well:

Well of Ascension Chapter Five
Well of Ascension Chapter Six

This tour is really leaving me beat, as you might have been able to guess from what I said up above.  Part of me wonders if it's even worth all the effort.  Still, at every signing I've done, we've had a couple of dedicated fans show up.  When I get to talk to them, it makes everything seem worthwhile.  Also, I want to give a hearty thanks to everyone who has been giving support to Pemberly while I'm off gallivanting across the country. 

Keep your fingers crossed for me.  LimeBaby is due on November 2nd, and we really, really don't want him to show up any earlier than that!  Particularly, we're hoping he doesn't decide to come during the week this week, since this is when I'll be so far away from Utah that it would be very hard to get back in time for the birth.

See you in Portland or Seattle, Northwest folks!